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VBS and our hiker
June 9, 2009, 6:44 am
Filed under: Uncategorized

Good news… (knock on wood)… polka dots are gone!!!

Summertime brings Ryan’s first experience with Vacation Bible School. I wouldn’t have even thought of signing him up for a VBS that runs for an entire week from 6-9pm, but… he saw the poster at MOPS that had a train on it. So far, so good. Caitlyn is loving it, too. Ryan enjoyed “showing” Dad his moves tonight while they talked on the phone.

Caitlyn has become quite the walker. We have a fancy bike stroller that will carry both kids, but she has decided that she prefers to push the stroller rather than ride in it. All the better to wear her buns out!! She walked a mile and a half last night and a little over a mile today. She was so tired from walking yesterday that Daddy had to coax her out of the stroller to play on the playground! (Then she climed up and slid down the slide no fewer than 20 times.) The only down side is that these trips take 2 to 4 times longer than what they used to, so I’m needing to adjust my idea of time.

Is there anything cuter than watching a 2 year old and a 5 year old hug eachother goodnight?