Save me from Post-Its!

March 24, 2009, 6:42 am
Filed under: Uncategorized

I woke up knowing that Redoubt erupted, but was surprised when the power went out. It ended up coming back on, but I now have many more C-size batteries for our radios, lots of soup, bottled water,  and an air filter for Paul’s new truck. Of course, I thought the power outage was related to the volcano after having heard rumors that Homer Electric would pull the plug in the event of an eruption. Thank God that didn’t happen and it was “just” an avalanche – or so I heard…

Still no ash here and we’re praying for clear (ash, fog, and snow free) skies on Wednesday morning so Daddy can get home.

Ryan spent some time on YouTube watching volcanos erupt, since the local one didn’t tickle his fancy enough when he figured out that he couldn’t actually see anything happening.

We also ended up watching a really strange Dora video that showed clips to some rap music. Caitlyn definitely groves more to soul music or anything that has a very heavy beat. Choo Choo Soul is her favorite lately and can be quite hilarious to see her shake her little booty.

Has anyone else noticed that there are absolutely NO family shows on TV anymore? I did find one and must mention that it’s not my favorite, but meets my criteria of not being animated: Dancing With the Stars. We’ve also found ourselves watching the talent portion of Miss America another night when I was done with cartoons.

I’m also arguing with a staple gun. I decided to recover our dining room chairs, but the extra staples I found in the garage aren’t strong enough to pierce the wood of the chair bottoms adequately. I guess this’ll give my knuckles a chance to recover from digging all the old staples out. Yet another example where I’d REALLY like to do something all by myself, but will end up getting Paul’s assistance in finding appropriate staples. I don’t have a new pic of the kids to post, but here’s the material I’m using for the chairs:022009-045

Ryan, the photographer
March 21, 2009, 4:28 am
Filed under: Uncategorized

Ryan has inherited our old digital camera and is going to town:

I just inserted a gallery, so I have no idea how it’ll show up in the blog.

Caitlyn is saying “Aw, man” and it sounds like “Aw, Meem!”

You know how every once in awhile your own child does something and you remember very clearly doing it as a child? Ryan holds his arm straight up in the air when he’s falling asleep. I sooo remember doing that. As you start to fall asleep, it falls and wakes you back up. But, it is fun to try to keep it up in the air as long as you can — an oddly enought, it’s quite relaxing too. Not so much for the person next to you in bed (aka – Paul).

Happy St. Pat’s to ya!
March 18, 2009, 6:35 am
Filed under: Uncategorized

Happy St. Pat’s. We celebrated with Chinese food. It also looks like Caitlyn lost a bar fight today – she’s learning very slowly not to crawl up on things. It looks much worse than it is.

Caitlyn's black eye.

Caitlyn's black eye.